Why I am … Eastern

This series, ‘A Renewed Generous Orthodoxy’, is all about how I as a Christian today identify with different traditions and movements. Last week I talked about being ‘traditional’ in broad strokes. But of course Christianity is, and has always been, a big tent. At its best, this has been understood as a healthy diversity; at … Continue reading Why I am … Eastern

Why I Am … Progressive

This series is about finding a way forward theologically by celebrating the strengths of different Christian traditions or movements. Last time, I explored the value of Tradition — how it means we don’t have to reinvent the wheel in every generation, how it challenges our assumptions, deepens our understanding and experience of God, and how … Continue reading Why I Am … Progressive

Why I am … Traditional

A few years ago I was talking to a colleague about the value of pleasure. He was a proud hedonist, believing pleasure to be the ultimate good, while I — while certainly valuing pleasure — was more skeptical of it. To support my position, I brought in not only contemporary insights from psychology (hedonic adaptation … Continue reading Why I am … Traditional

Why I am … a Christian

Yesterday, I introduced a new series I’m calling ‘A Renewed Generous Orthodoxy,’ riffing off of Brian McLaren’s (now old) book A Generous Orthodoxy. The goal will be to celebrate and affirm the strengths of different Christian traditions and movements. But before I do that, today I’m going to try to answer the most important question … Continue reading Why I am … a Christian

A Renewed Generous Orthodoxy: Introduction

Twenty years ago, American writer and leader in what was known as the ‘emergent church’ movement Brian McLaren released a book called A Generous Orthodoxy. It was his attempt to both bridge the divides within Christianity by celebrating the strengths of its different traditions and movements, and find a way of articulating the Gospel that … Continue reading A Renewed Generous Orthodoxy: Introduction