Why I am … Evangelical

There was a meme circulating a few months ago that did a good job of summarizing the current state of the relationship between Evangelical Christianity and the rest of the world. It started with an Evangelical user posting something like “There is no group more vilified today than Evangelical Christians.” Then someone commented, “If you … Continue reading Why I am … Evangelical

Why I am … Protestant

So far in this series celebrating (what I see as) the strengths of different Christian traditions and movements, I’ve spent time with two of the three major ‘groups’ of Christian traditions, the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. Today I’ll be turning to the third, those movements which grew out of the Protestant Reformation. I’ll … Continue reading Why I am … Protestant

Why I am … Catholic

This series is intended to celebrate the ways I have been influenced by various Christian traditions and movements. It involves a lot of ‘positive-positive’ polarities, things we often think of as opposites but are better served by being in creative tension with each other. Today’s post resolves two such polarities set up last week, being … Continue reading Why I am … Catholic

Why I am … Western

In the most recent post in this series celebrating different aspects of the Christian tradition, I talked about why I identify as ‘Eastern’, how its whole ethos and approach to doing church and theology offers a helpful alternative to the West. But, as the say, you can choose your friends but you can’t choose your … Continue reading Why I am … Western