Why I am … Antiracist

So far this series about the way different Christian traditions have influenced me has gone from major divisions to more recent historical trends. The last three posts will be a bit more ‘ripped from the headlines’, in that I’ll be talking about movements that are front-and-centre in today’s cultural conversations. Today I’ll be talking very … Continue reading Why I am … Antiracist

Why I am … Charismatic

In the most recent post in this series celebrating the strengths of different Christian traditions, I talked about how I appreciate the room that the ancient Christian mystical tradition has for manifestations such as visions and dreams. In some ways, today’s post, about why I am charismatic, is part two of that post. At the … Continue reading Why I am … Charismatic

Why I am … Mystical

In my post earlier this week talking about how and why I can identify as an evangelical, one of the themes I brought up was this tradition’s insistence on radical transformation. But as much as I loved that aspect of evangelical thought, I was ultimately frustrated in my evangelical days by the lack of transformation … Continue reading Why I am … Mystical

Why I am … Critical

Yesterday in this series celebrating the strengths of different traditions and movements within Christianity, I looked at Evangelicalism. One of the aspects I love about that tradition is its commitment to the Scriptures, even if I do not accept their assumptions about them. Today I’m going to turn to a movement, or series of movements, … Continue reading Why I am … Critical

Why I am … Evangelical

There was a meme circulating a few months ago that did a good job of summarizing the current state of the relationship between Evangelical Christianity and the rest of the world. It started with an Evangelical user posting something like “There is no group more vilified today than Evangelical Christians.” Then someone commented, “If you … Continue reading Why I am … Evangelical